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Illustration: Pay and Performance Benchmarking
- The per capita pay and performance analyses divide the aggregate data by the total headcount to reflect the revenue/profit generated by each employee and the related compensation costs paid by the company regardless of company size. These can assess employee’s productivity and determine whether the allocation of the total compensation budget is reasonable to ensure compensation strategy aligns with business directions.
- The figure below compares per capita revenue, profit and total compensation of Company A against the 25th, median, and 75th percentiles in the market to determine the percentile ranking. Company A's per capita revenue is close to P75, and its per capita profit before tax surpasses most of its peers. However, the per capita total compensation lags behind the market median. This misalignment between pay and performance increases the risk of employee turnover.
Illustration: Input-Output Analysis
- Through dividing total compensation by revenue and profit before tax, we can obtain the revenue and profit generated per dollar of total compensation.
- Revenue/profit before tax is divided by total compensation to conduct the input and output analysis. The table below shows the 25th, median and 75th percentiles, the percentile ranking of Company A reveals the productivity of Company A against the peer group. This helps identify businesses with high/low productivity and facilitates resource optimization.
Illustration: Pay Mix Analysis
- The analysis and recommendations provide directions for optimizing pay positioning and staff costs to steer growth for the next phase.